CLJ Malaysia Publications

Current Law Journal (CLJ) and Supplement series (CLJSupp/MTC/BLJ) - judgments from the High Court, Court of Appeal and Federal Court of Malaysia reported in CLJ printed publications from 1981 to date.

The Industrial Law Reports (ILR) - awards issued by the Industrial Courts of Malaysia and selected High Court and Appellate decisions on related cases from 1980 to date.

Laporan Syariah/Syariah Reports (CLJ(Sya)/SHR) – reported decisions from the Syariah Courts in Malaysia from 2004 to 2015.

All case laws are printable in pdf format in an identical layout as appears in CLJ publications. This allows subscribers to see and use page numbers and paragraph letterings as if they had a printed copy of the reported judgment. In addition, the page break feature in the pdf version enables printing of selected pages.

CLJ Unreported Series

CLJ Unreported Series was formerly known as The Legal Network Series (LNS) - a compilation of cases that have not been published by CLJ from 1894 to date which are generally not head-noted though some have catchwords.
Effective 1st January 2024 it was changed to the CLJ Unreported Series.

Our database contains the largest collection of Malaysian cases and new cases are added to the database on a regular basis. Significant and landmark cases sent in digital format by the court are usually uploaded within 24 hours of receipt. CLJ Law actively encourages all courts to send judgments in digital format.

Road Traffic Module

Road Traffic Module (CLJ/BLJ/SMC/CLJU/LNS1, SMCU/LNS5) - reported and unreported cases from the superior and subordinate courts related to road traffic offences, fatal accidents and personal injury (motor) as well as related decisions on insurance from the 1930s to date.

Sessions & Magistrates' Cases

Sessions & Magistrates' Cases package contains reported and unreported cases from the subordinate courts (excluding Road Traffic cases). It is available as an add-on with subscription to CLJ Basic package or as a stand-alone at a different subscription plan. Year range is:

Reported 2012 - to present
Unreported is 1999 - to present

Definition of citations used:

CLJ Reported cases from the Current Law Journal
CLJ Rep Reported cases from the Current Law Journal Reprint Series.
CLJ Supp Reported cases from the Current Law Journal Supplementary Series.
MTC Reported cases from the Malaysian Tax Cases.
BLJ Reported cases from the Business Law Journal.
ILR Reported cases from the Industrial Law Reports.
SMC Reported cases from the Magistrates and Sessions courts.
CLJ Sya/CLJ ISL/SYA/SHR Reported cases from the Syariah Courts.
The Unreported Series

CLJU - (LNS 1) Unreported cases from the Civil Courts.
ILRU -  (LNS 2) Unreported cases from the Industrial Courts.
SHRU - (LNS 3) Unreported cases from the Syariah Courts.
SMCU - (LNS 5)
Unreported cases from the Magistrates and Sessions courts.
Orders from the Federal Court and the Court of Appeal.

Malaysian Principal Legislation

This module consists of all Federal Numbered Acts from Act 1 to present day. There are over 800 such Acts. Any new Acts are uploaded on-line as soon as they become available. All legislation are consolidated - i.e. amendments are incorporated into the Acts soon after they are in force. Changes are noted in the Principal Acts. In 2013 we began working on versioning selected acts so that subscribers are able to view the act as it was at a specified date.

Malaysian Subsidiary Legislation

This module consists of selected Rules and Regulations from the PU series dating from 1966, PUAs from 1946 and PUBs from 1972 onward. Amendments to subsidiary legislation are also available. CLJ will include additional Rules and Regulations as they become available in future.

Any proclamation, rule, regulation, order, notification, by-law or other instrument made under any Act, Enactment, Ordinance or other lawful authority and having legislative effect.

Subsidiary legislation are mainly published in two parts:

  (a) Legislative Supplement A which is known as PU(A); and

  (b) Legislative Supplement B which is known as PU(B).

The word "PU" stands for Pemberitahuan Undang-Undang [generally translated to mean "Legal Notification"].

Malaysian Amending Acts

Amending Acts A1 - A1600+ are available in full text and new amending Acts are uploaded as and when they are enacted.

Malaysian State Legislation

State Enactments from 13 States are available including the East Malaysian States of Sabah and Sarawak.

Malaysian Bills

The current year's Bills of Parliament are available - these include Bills of Principal and Amending Acts given their first reading in the Malaysian Federal Parliament. A link to Hansard for selected Bills is also provided so that you may follow the debates.

Malaysian Treaties

This database has over 100 Multilateral Treaties and Conventions to which Malaysia is a part or full signatory to in full text.

Act Noter-Up

Much time is saved by being able to retrieve the latest information on a particular section of legislation at a click of a button. The list of laws available are those linked to the relevant section. More cases can be located than currently available in any hard copy reference. The Act Noter-Up is updated each time a new case is added to the database - you can always be sure of finding the latest information.

Legislative Forms

This is a database of forms taken from the Schedules of Principal Acts, Rules and Regulations, that can be browsed or searched by subscribers. The forms are available as editable files using a word processing program.

Legislation: An Overview

Malaysian State Laws


This is a searchable and browseable database of articles as appearing in MCLJ publications and the LNS article series. The articles are arranged by year, title, subject, and author. The articles are on a variety of contemporary legal topics.

Practice Notes/ Directions

This is a searchable and browseable database of Practice Notes and Directions from the superior courts from 1946 to date. The database is searchable by year, number, word/phrase, place of issue and title.

Words & Phrases

This database is a collection of all the MCLJ reported cases and LNS catch worded cases where the head note contains the Catchword "Words and Phrases". The data consists of hundreds of words / phrases with judicial interpretations. The descriptions are linked to the judgments for fuller research.


Malaysian law uses either English or Bahasa Malaysia (Malay Language). There is an increasing use by the Courts of the Malay Language. This is a database of legal terms from Malay to English and from English to Malay. Over 4,000 terms are translated for use in legal research. Users are encouraged to add to the database or offer variations to the translations already present.

Basic Search

A common search page is permanently displayed at the top of each page to allow for searches to be easily made across all categories - case laws, legislation and articles, without the need to click into a new page. The Google-like search with intellisense prompts allows for quicker and easier retrieval of information.

Advanced Search

Various options are provided to refine a search to a particular coucou court jurisdiction, subject matter, judge, period etc.

Search Directory

Upon logging in, a subscriber may view and retrieve files/data previously researched, annotated and saved at a one-stop location. There’s no longer any need to take up shelf space in your office with your own virtual file cabinet available 24/7.

Case Citator

This feature is unique to CLJ Law. All cases that refer to a particular case may be conveniently retrieved by simply clicking on the link "CASE CITATOR" located within the case. Much time is saved by being able to retrieve the latest information on a particular case at a click of a button. The list of cases available are those linked to the original case. More cases can be located in this manner than currently available in any hard copy reference. The citator is updated each time a new case is added to the database - you can always be sure of finding the latest information.

Citation Converter

Available under the Advanced Search page, this feature enables you to conduct a citation search using a citation from MLJ or AMR to find an equivalent CLJ or LNS case.

Case History

Cross reference to an earlier or subsequent decision involving the same parties without having to conduct a separate search to trace the history of a particular case. Simply click on the link and you’ll be able to access the relevant case.


This features allows a subscriber to build his/her own database of personalised case notes while conducting his/her research using CLJ Law's search engine. Annotations may be viewed and retrieved from the Search Directory.


Build a precedent file by assigning a personal keyword to any document and saving it. Precedents can be safely stored and retrieved at any time by clicking on your keyword in the Search Directory.


A notepad is available for you to transfer extracts from documents viewed, jot down general notes, comments or reminders and save it for future reference. This data may be forwarded to your personal computer, to a friend or colleague by email.

1) Select the text that you intend to share or copy then click “Sendto-Mypad”.

2) Click View-My Pad to see the text that you have selected. You may email the information or copy it to your word document.

Usage Monitor
All users can view their account usage at any time.

Subscriber Files
All users can change their contact information and see their account expiry date at any time.

All new subscribers may register on-line via credit card or off-line via credit card, direct deposit, Jompay, cheque or bank draft.

Forget Password?
If a user forgets a password, they can reset their password and have the password sent to them via email at any time.

Add a Judgment, Order or Article
Users may submit a case, order or article to us for publication. All such materials, if not published in any CLJ Journal, are added to the LNS database upon review and acceptance.

Advertising opportunities
Users may post advertisements on the website regarding employment vacancies, seminars and market their products or services for a fixed period for a fee.

SCC Online product details

Coverage Details
SCC Online® Platinum CW SCC Online® Platinum Plus CW
1. English Law

2. Supreme Court of India

3. Indian Statutory Law

4. Indian Secondary Materials

5. Foreign Materials

6. International Materials

7. Amnis Legalis

Indian Case Law
8. Federal Court

9. Privy Council

10. High Courts

11. Historical Courts

12. Tribunals and Commissions

13. Board of Revenue (New)


SLR Online product details

  • Singapore Law Reports (Reissue: 1965 –2009)
  • Singapore Law Reports (2010 – current)
  • Singapore Academy of Law Journal (SAcLJ) (1989 – current)
  • Singapore Academy of Law Annual Review of Singapore Cases (SAL Ann Rev) (2000 – current)

We aim to provide the best quality in both content and service. Users can expect emails answered within a reasonable time no matter when they are sent and phone assistance during Malaysian office hours. We give expert assistance to users having genuine difficulty in locating a case or legislation.

Zarinah Ahmed (Online Customer Support)


Phone: 012-5495402 / 012-5165402 (Hotline), 03-42705400(GL)

We do not expect all our users to be IT literate and are available to provide training in the use of this service. Training sessions at your office may be arranged for larger groups. Help files are available for all the databases to explain how to conduct a search, how to locate information easily and many examples of searches are given. We believe that if a new subscriber who has no search experience uses the database regularly they will be doing expert searches within a few hours of using our search engine. We have designed the features to be user-friendly and to produce accurate results.

1. CLJ provides one on one or group training services either at CLJ's premises or at a premise of your choice (within Malaysia only).

2. Online training via Zoom or other platforms may be arranged.

3. There are no charges imposed for the training sessions.

4. Bookings can be made with at least 24 hour notice and is subject to the availability of our trainer(s).

5. The maximum number of participants we can accommodate at one session at CLJ's premises is 20.

6. Each training session will take approximately 1 hour.

7. Participants at CLJ's premises will be provided with note paper and pen/pencil and light refreshments.

8. It is advisable for participants to bring along their own laptops so that they can have a full hands-on experience while the training is on-going.

9. Participants will be requested to complete a feedback form after the training session to enable us to improve our services.

For further enquiries, email


Commonwealth Laws:
Labour Laws:
Shariah Laws:
(Available with separate subscription plans)